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What is a cryptocurrency exchange?

Cryptocurrency exchanges provide markets where cryptocurrencies are bought and sold 24/7. Depending on the exchange, cryptocurrencies can be traded against other cryptocurrencies (for example BTC/ETH) or against fiat currencies like USD or EUR (for example BTC/USD).

Where can I find historical crypto market cap & price data?

You can find historical crypto market cap and crypto price data on CoinCodex, a comprehensive platform for crypto charts and prices. After you find the cryptocurrency you’re interested in on CoinCodex, such as Bitcoin, head over to the "Historical" tab and you will be able to access a full overview of the coin’s price history.

Why are crypto prices so low?

Chris Kline, co-founder of Bitcoin IRA, said much of the recent fade in crypto prices simply stems from investors reacting to what's happening in the broader economy. When the stock market stumbles, many investors move their money into less risky, more stable assets, such as U.S. Treasury bonds.

What happened to bitcoin?

The cryptocurrency traded Monday morning at around $32,800 and is down 21% over the last month, according to Coindesk. Bitcoin is now at its lowest price since July 2021, Reuters reported. Other major digital currencies, including ether, have also pulled back sharply in value.

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